
Showing posts from November, 2022

How will CD4 investors ever be able to sell or exit their fund?

Summary : It turns out that a majority in all four CD funds voted against E&P's Merger Proposal, and given CD4 investors were the only ones who had any chance of benefiting, it is even more humiliating for E&P that they also voted against - presumably because they simply don't trust E&P! But this leaves CD4 investors with an unresolved key problem: E&P has provided no feasible mechanism for them to sell or exit their investment; they can only wait for distributions that are mostly several years away. In this post, I excerpt the shocking truth about what the CD4 PDS said about the ability to sell/exit, and then recommend what a responsible entity should do immediately (list the fund). Thanks to E&P there is still no right to exit for CD4 at any time!

Merger Proposal dispensed with, next up the Directors and E&P

  Summary : In a humiliating retreat , the CD Fund Merger Proposal was withdrawn by E&P on Oct 31st as votes already cast made passing the resolutions impossible. Immediate distributions were then announced for CD1, CD2, CD3 releasing some of the cash holdings. However, the work for investors is unfinished. There has almost certainly been a majority vote of no confidence in both the Directors and E&P. The Directors should be replaced. And E&P should then be forced to hand over to a more competent and responsible entity to govern all CD Funds, including CD4 which has the biggest issue of no feasible ability to sell. A humiliating retreat but if they aren't finished off we'll be back here again!