Update Sep 2023 - New Site: I now run a site dedicated to eliminating almost all ASX Closed End Funds. I maintain a post on the CD Funds on that site. See: > Captive Capital
What: A blog with insights into the Cordish Dixon Private Equity Funds listed on the ASX as CD1, CD2, CD3 and the unlisted CD4. (As of Sep 2023 this site is on ice unless/until I'm involved in another major campaign regarding the CD Funds)
Why: E&P Financial the Responsible Entity (RE) has proposed a merger of all 4 funds and restructure to a single unlisted fund that no longer self-liquidates, or provides cash distributions, or reflects the different investment choices investors made when choosing a fund. It is the latest and biggest failing of the RE to act responsibly for each fund's investors. There was no alternate source of information until now.
Update: The Merger Proposal was withdrawn after investors discovered the pitfalls and overwhelmingly lodged votes against it. This site is on ice unless a new major change is proposed (e.g. selling one or more CD funds at an unjustifiably large discount.)
Who: A significant shareholder in CD2 and CD3. Also, a specialist in ASX closed-end funds.
Contact: See: > Captive Capital
Disclaimer: I do not have an AFSL and no content on this blog constitutes personal advice (financial or otherwise). The content of this site is general information only. I am not liable for any loss suffered, whether due to error, negligence or otherwise arising from the use of, or reliance on, the information provided directly or indirectly, by use of this website.