E&P vultures hide the CD Funds carcass but will it work?
Summary : The AFR recently revealed the latest material information E&P hadn't disclosed to investors: that Pengana Capital has made two bids for the CD Funds and is very keen on consolidating them into its ASX private equity fund PE1 . E&P not only rejected the proposals and prevented due diligence, but kept everything secret from investors, perhaps hoping Pengana would give up and no other would-be predators would be aroused. E&P seems to think it owns the funds to run for its own interests; "captive capital" indeed! Investors need to contact their CD Fund Directors to insist that merger proposals are actively encouraged in a competitve and transparent way that reaches the best feasible outcome for shareholders (not E&P). CD Fund investors voted overwhelmingly against the proposals put forward by E&P and the current Directors. Investors will obviously need to keep the pressure on and, ultimately, the current Directors may need to be replaced if no...